Terms & Conditions
Legal Disclaimer
At Floof, we take legal compliance seriously. Our Terms & Conditions outline the legal boundaries governing the activities of our website visitors, or customers, when they visit or engage with our website. Our T&C are meant to establish the legal relationship between our visitors and us as the website owners. Please note that the information provided on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on as legal advice. If you have any questions, please seek legal advice.
What are Terms & Conditions?
Terms and Conditions (T&C) are a set of legally binding terms that we, as the owners of Floof, have defined. Our T&C set forth the guidelines governing the activities of our website visitors or customers while they interact with our website. T&C should be defined according to the specific needs and nature of each website. At Floof, we have designed our T&C to be clear and simple, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
What is included in our T&C?
At Floof, our T&C address a variety of issues to ensure a seamless and secure experience for our customers. These issues include: who is allowed to use our website; payment methods; our right to modify our offerings; warranties; intellectual property and copyrights; our right to suspend or cancel an account; and more. We encourage you to read our T&C carefully to ensure you understand the guidelines governing your use of our website.